31 videos | Rent $375
Teaching Literacy in Grade 1
31 videos | Rent $375
Teaching Literacy in Grade 1 was created by Janet Langley and Patti Connolly. This course is based on their years of experience teaching early literacy workshops and the book, "The Roadmap to Literacy: A Guide to Teaching Language Arts in Waldorf Schools Grades 1 through 3" by Janet Langley and J...
31 videos | Rent $375
33 videos | Rent $375
30 videos | Rent $375
3 videos | Rent $30
Grade 1: The Art and Role of Storytelling
3 videos | Rent $30
The Art and Role of Storytelling, Review, and Vocabulary
Grade 1: Teaching High Frequency (sight) Words
3 videos | Rent $30
Teaching High Frequency (sight) Words: The Key to Reading Fluency
3 videos | Rent $30
Grade 1: Introduction to Language Mechanics
3 videos | Rent $30
A few skills can prevent years of bad writing habits
3 videos | Rent $15
6 videos | Rent $60
Grade 1-2: Phonemic Awareness Rules Part B
3 videos | Rent $30
Completion of the Phonics Rules Instruction for the Phonemic Awareness Phase (W.I. Rules 6 - 10). To be taught either at the end of 1st grade or beginning of 2nd grade.
Grade 2: Pattern Phase Phonics Rules Part A and B
4 videos | Rent $60
Instructions for Teaching Vowel Teams and Diphthongs: W.I. Rules 11 and 12
Grade 2-3: Pattern Phase Phonics Rules Part C
3 videos | Rent $30
Instructions for Teaching Word Families R-Controlled Vowels, Inflectional Endings, etc.
W.I. Rules 13 - 21 -
Grade 2: Kid Writing: The Writing Road to Reading
4 videos | Rent $60
Kid Writing: The Writing Road to Reading, Plus an introduction to composition
Grade 2: Composition and Home Surroundings
4 videos | Rent $30
Composition and Home Surroundings: the transition from kid writing to composition and teaching home surroundings with vocabulary considerations
Grade 2: Intro to Grammar and Language Mechanics
4 videos | Rent $30
Introduction to Grammar and Language Mechanics: Adventures in English Land and Letter Village
Grades 2 - 3: Teaching Cursive Handwriting
3 videos | Rent $30
This Course is for Those Teachers Introducing Cursive to Their Class. From Form Drawing (running forms) to Reading and Writing Cursive
Grades 2 - 3: Demo of Phonics Rule Main Lesson
3 videos | Rent $30
Watch a Phonics Rule Main Lesson Demo. Janet Models How to Introduced the /ow/, /ou/ Diphthongs (includes how to weave in practice for past concepts, speech, bookwork, review, story, image, and activities for new concept). This demo would be of value for Grades 2 and 3.
4 videos | Rent $60
Grade 3: Syllable Phase Phonics Rules Part A and B
4 videos | Rent $60
Phonics Rules: The Keys to ‘Cracking the Code:’ Moving from Learning to Read to Reading to Learn
4 videos | Rent $45
4 videos | Rent $45